joi, 8 noiembrie 2012

Vand deck Denon DRW-850

Cass deck Denon DRW-850, deck dublu recorder, cap de serie, dedicat amatorilor de duble, un casetofon foarte performant in stare tehnica excelenta, aspect, din pacate, trebuie sa-i acord nota 9 datorita capacului, muchiei mastii  si mastile obloanelor, care prezinta urme de uzura. Date tehnice: Double Deck with autoreverse and Dolby HX Pro, Amorphous head A/B, Record A/B , Bias fine , remot control senzor, 2-motor mechanisms, Auto Reverse, Audio Outputs: L/R RCA Stereo Audio, Headphone Jack, Audio Inputs: L/R RCA Stereo Audio,Dolby Noise Reduction, Dolby B-C NR. Auto Reverse and Adjustable Reverse Modes, Normal and High Speed Dubbing, MPX Filter, twin recording, relay mode on/off, Bias Fine/Balance/input level dial.Dimensiuni si greutate aproximativ: 43x13x30 mm, 4,5kg. Service efectuat: curele schimbate pe mecanica stanga si o rola presoare dreapta, reglaje pe imprimare in autorevers, switch-uri curatate si gresate cu spray adecvat.
Pret: 250 LEI, livrare gratuita doar cu Posta Romana, prin alte forme de curieret plateste clientul.
tel-0741928736. Targoviste.
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