Vand cd charger deck cd player

CD Charger Deck CD player Fischer cu magazie de 24 de CD-uri, equalizer, negru, perfecta stare de functionare. Nu citeste mp3. Fara telecomanda.

Un tonomat la tine acasa!

Vand urmatorul produs electronic

Merit Li-Lin PDR-400, 4 channel Stand Alone Digital Video Recorder

Total display at 120 fps with 720 x 480 resolution with 160GB HD (IDE) integrated!
DVR Features:

* Stand Alone Design
* 120 fps Live Display
* 160GB HD (IDE)
* Motion Detection
* Adjustable Sequential Display
* Auto Gain Control
* Recording Scheduling Triggered by Motion and External Alarm
* Multilingual Menu
* Modified Motion JPEG Compression
* DVR Live and Stored Video Captured as JPEG File
* DVR Live and Stored Printable Video
* User Authentication

Vand boxe Aiwa

Boxe AIWA, lemn, 65 W, 6 ohmi, 3 cai, numai pereche. 150 lei.

Numai pentru Bucuresti. Nu trimit prin Posta.

Vand camera foto digitala Samsung

Vand camera foto digitala Samsung NV 24 HD

Publicat de Electronice online joi, 8 aprilie 2010 la 14:00

Vand Camera Foto Digitala SAMSUNG NV 24 HD, negru
CDD 10.2 Mega-Pixel
Zoom Optic: 3.6 X
Zoom Digital: 5 X
Rezolutii imagine:
10M : 3648x2736 pixels,
9MP : 3648x2432 pixels,
7M : 3072X2304 pixels,
7MW : 3648x2056 pixels,
5M : 2592x1944 pixels,
3M : 2048x1536 pixels,
1M : 1024x768 pixels
Format fisie:JPEG (DCF), EXIF 2.21, DPOF 1.1, PictBridge 1.0
Movie : mp4(H.264) Audio : WAV
Stabilizator imagine: Dual IS (OIS + DIS)
Rezolutii video:1280x720p @30fps, 640x480 @30fps, 320x240 @60/30fps
Sensibilitate (ISO): Auto, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200
Conexiuni: Interfata cu calculatorul: USB 2.0
Iesire audio video: NTSC / PAL
Alimentare: SLB-1137D (1,100mAh), Ecran 2.5 inch, AMOLED , 230 000 pixeli
Pachetul include: Cablu USB, Cablu AV, Baterie, Adaptor AC, Strap
Putin folosit max 300 cadre, garantie a fost pana in mai 2011, totul nou la cutie original nota 10 plus gentuta
Bonus: Acumulator si incarcator de rezerva, Pret: 500 lei.
Contact: Victor , Targoviste
Tel.0722.445.485 sau mail:

Vand boxe audio

Vand boxe, sistem 5.1 MAGNAT, sub activ CANTON
*PIONEER CS970: 3 cai reflex, dif. 25/10/6cm, 150w-8ohmi, dimens. 65x35x30cm, asp. 9/10 - 480ron
*MAGNAT CONCEPT 3:3 cai bas reflex,dif. 20/8,5/2,5 cm,130/80w -4ohmi, frecv.35-34.000Hz,dimens.49x23x28cm,asp.9/10 -370ron
*BSLS 70:germane,2 cai compresie,dif.11/2,5cm,70/40w 4-8ohmi, frecv.50-24.000Hz,dimens.27,3x17x16cm,asp.9/10 -150ron
*SCHNEIDER 8070AS:3 cai compresie,AMPLIFICATE(etaj final mono pt. fiecare),bas 20cm,reglaje medii/inalte,120w,asp.9/10-440ron
*QUADRAL SX1500:3 cai reflex(17/8 cm),160/80w muzical/RMS-4ohmi,frecv.30-22.000Hz,dimens.80x22x24cm,asp.8,9/10-300ron
*DUAL CL 174: 60/40w 4-8ohmi, 3 cai compresie, dif. 20/3,7/2,5cm, frecv. 30-25.000Hz, crossover 800/6000Hz, asp. 9/10, 9Kg, dim. 48x25x20cm - 250 ron
*Sistem boxe 5.1 MAGNAT CINEMOTION 500: 5 sateliti 2 cai 50w/6ohmi, subwoofer pasiv 100w/3ohmi, dim. 40x21,5x35 cm, asp. 8,9/10 - 300 ron ( separat 5 sateliti-170ron, sub-150ron)
*CANTON AS 5: subwoofer 1.0 amplificat 100/50W, reglaj volum/ frecventa, intrari pasive 2 canale, dim. 33x21x36cm, asp. 8,9/10 - 200 ron
*Boxa centrala AIWA SX C1800: 4 dif. medii/inalte, 100w/8ohmi, dim. 43x12x15cm-45ron
*Pretul este USOR negociabil.
*Livrez oriunde prin posta/curierat, taxe achitate de cumparator(pt. Bucuresti,Pitesti,Slatina,Tg. Jiu,Rm. Valcea,Turnu Severin,Caransebes,Lugoj,Timisoara predare personala 30 ron).
Contact: 0722241292/ 0748297976/ 0762617993,, Zona Craiova

Vand 2 pick-up-uri si discuri vinil

Vand 2 pick-up si discuri vinil:
*TECHNICS SL Q300 direct drive, quartz, full automatic, lampa stroboscopica,ac nou, asp. 8,9/10( capacul putin zgariat) - 290 ron
*PIONEER PL 970: direct drive, quatz, full automatic, asp. 8,9/10(capac zgariat) - 290ron
*Pretul este USOR negociabil.

Lista Viniluri

- THE WOMAN IN RED - Coloana sonora film (Stevie Wonder) – ORION - 14 lei
- DIRTY DANCING - Coloana sonora film - BMG (RCA) - 14 lei
- DAVID BOWIE - Absolute beginners (maxi single) - VIRGIN – 6 lei
- ROD STEWART - Greatest hits - SUPERSTAR (Made in Italy) – 14 lei
- ROD STEWART - Out of order - WARNER – 14 lei
- ROXY MUSIC - Country live (al 4-lea album) - POLYDOR - 14 lei
- CHRIS REA - Water sign – MAGNET - 14 lei
- CHRIS REA - Chris Rea- MAGNET - 14 lei
- CHICAGO 16 - What you’re missing – WEA - 14 lei
- THE BLUES BAND - Ready( rthym&blues) - ARISTA - 12 ron
- CHRIS DE BURGH - The Getaway - A&M - 14 lei
- LEVEL 42 - The early tops ’80 - POLYDOR - 14 lei
- ELTON JOHN - Ice on fire - PHONOGRAM - 14 lei
- RICHARD CLAYDERMAN - Greatest Hits 1 - DELPHINE - 11 lei
- GLENN MILLER - Original Recordings ( dublu), jazz - RCA - 2x10 lei
- RASA - Universal Forum( cosmic rock) - 12ron
- BZN - Live (dublu) - PHONOGRAM - 14 lei
- I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU - Best (dublu) - ARCADE - 2x12 lei
- ABBA - Voulez-vous – POLAR - 15 lei
- SMOKIE - The montreux album – EMI - 15 lei
- LIONEL RICHIE - Can’t slow down – MOTTOWN - 14 lei
- KENNY ROGERS - The heart of the matter – RCA - 13 lei
- DOLLY PARTON - With love from D.P. – RCA - 12 lei
- TOM JONES - Recital 20 piese - DECCA - 13 lei
- TOM JONES - Best of - EMI - 13 lei
- DEMIS ROUSSOUS - My only fascination - PHILIPS - 14 lei
- DEMIS ROUSSOUS - Golden voice - PHILIPS - 14 lei
- DEMIS ROUSSOUS - Forever and never - PHILIPS - 14 lei
- DEMIS ROUSSOUS - Attitudes - PHONOGRAM - 13 lei
- NANA MOUSKOURI - Disque d’or – IMPACT - 12 lei
- NANA MOUSKOURI - Ma verite - PHILIPS - 12 lei
- HARRY BELAFONTE - Best of - ARCADE - 12 lei
- HARRY BELAFONTE - 20 greatest hits - FLASH - 12 lei
- JULIO IGLESIAS - Avous les femmes - CBS - 13 lei
- JULIO IGLESIAS - Libra - CBS - 13 lei
- JULIO IGLESIAS - 28 grandes exitos Latinas (dublu) - COLUMBIA - 2x13lei
- COUNTRY AND WESTERN - Greatest hits (dublu) – CBS - 2x10 lei
- COUNTRY AND WESTERN - The nightriders (dublu) - 2x10 lei
- 20 Country & western hits - casa discuri RCA - 10 lei
- GOLDEN CLASSICS - (dublu) Liszt,Bizet,Goanod,Offenbach,Dvorak,Mozart,Suppe,Rossini, Wagner,Brahms,Thaikowski,Shubert - 2x12 lei
- CLASSICS ROMANTIK - Colectie 10 discuri muzica clasica care cuprind cei mai mari 26 compozitori ai lumii de-a lungul vremii - 10x10 lei
- DANCE PARTY - Colectie 10 discuri cu stiluri de dans célèbre: cha-cha, samba, Charleston, lindy, tango, polka, fox tror, hustle, rumba, mambo, waltz, bossa nova - 10x10 lei
- PERCY FAITH - The Music of Brazil - CBS - 8 lei

**Aspect si stare coperta/ disc : buna - foarte buna.
*Pretul de cumparare este USOR negociabil in functie de cantitatea dorita si nu include transportul.
*Livrez oriunde prin posta/curierat, taxe achitate de cumparator(pt. Bucuresti,Pitesti,Slatina,Tg. Jiu,Rm. Valcea,Turnu Severin,Caransebes,Lugoj,Timisoara predare personala 30 ron).
Contact: 0722241292/ 0748297976/ 0762617993,, Zona Craiova

Vand benzi magnetofon inregistrate

Benzi de magnetofon, inregistrate in studio pe Akai 636, in stare buna, cu liste. Aproximativ 50 ca numar (mai mult sau mai putin).
Pret la bucata 15 ron (comanda minima de 50ron pt expediere colet), sau toate benzile cu 10ron/buc.
Cateva poze cu ele :

vand urmatoarele produse electronice

Vand magnetofon tandberg ,grundig ,philips si un pikup tesla

pt detalii telef 0732311791 sau mail

Vand receiver Sony

Vand Stereo Receiver Sony STR-AV220. Aspect si stare de functionare foarte bune. 2x35 W/8ohm, 2x50 W/6ohm, DBFB(dynamic bass sound), Surround, FM/AM, 10 statii memorare directa, 4 intrari acces taste, intrari 4 boxe.
tel. 0741928736

Vand deck Sansui

Deck Sansui D-X111, aparat din categoria medie dar cu resurse foarte bune. Avand in vedere ca Sansui a folosit aceasta platforma pana la capul de serie, deckul pastreaza multe caracteristici cum ar fi sasiul turnat dintr-o singura bucata, antivibratii, masca din aluminiu eloxat, traful performant, mecanica solida cu doua motoare, intre care cel pentru derulare angreneaza cu roti dintate, disparand astfel o curea, volanta grea din aluminiu, centrata in trei puncte, servomecanism computerizat, dual function control, in clasa superioara astfel ca tot ansamblul asigura o functionare silentioasa si corecta. Dar lucrul cel mai important consta in faptul ca inregistreaza excelent orice tip de banda. Livrey oriunde in tara
tel. 0741928736

Vand cd player Sony

Vand CD Player Sony CDP-390, aspect si stare de functionare excelente. Dual D/A converter system, 4 times oversampling digital filter, servo stabilizer circuit, fader, fluorescent display.
Tel. 0741928736

Vand linie Sony

CONTINE: Deck Cass TC-K 415. 3 capete, 2 motoare, DOLBY B-C, MPX filter, calibrare automata, AMS, BIAS, CD Player SONY 690. 10 melodii introscan, iesire casti motorizata, telecomanda, Receiver Sony STR-AV220. 2x35 W/8ohm, 2x50 W/6ohm, DBFB(dynamic bass sound), Surround, FM/AM, 10 statii memorare directa, 4 intrari acces taste, intrari 4 boxe. In raza judetului Dambovita cat si in orasele din vecinatate livrez personal in urma unui avans in valoarea drumului dus intors din care se va scadea o suma la intelegere.
Tel. 0741928736

Vand amplificatoare audio

Vand :
*CAMBRIDGE AUDIO A5: 2x60w RMS 8ohmi, distors 0,02%, SPL 92dB, sunet PERFECT pt. audiofeels, 6 intrari, iesire preu, iesiri 2 boxe (bewiring) 6-8 ohmi, asp.9/10, functionare ireprosabila - 600 ron
*GRUNDIG FINE ARTS A 9000: SPITZENKLASSE 1, sunet EXCELENT (identic cu Marantz PM 84/94), 2x180/120w muzical/RMS - 8 ohmi, distors. 0,005%, frecv. 7-100.000Hz, SPL 104dB, iesire 4 boxe, 7 intrari, loudness,tone defeat muting, subsonic, asp.9/10, functionare ireprosabila - 700 ron

*Pt. Bucuresti, Pitesti, Slatina, Tg. Jiu, Ramnicul Valcea, Turnu Severin, Caransebes, Lugoj si Timisoara predare personala la destinatar 20 ron.
Contact: 0722241292/ 0762617993/ 0748297976
Zona Craiova

vand urmatoarele produse electronice

*CANTON AS 5: subwoofer 1.0 amplificat 100/50W, reglaj volum/ frecventa, intrari pasive 2 canale, dim. 33x21x36cm, asp. 8,9/10 - 200 ron
*DUAL CL 174: 60/40w 4-8ohmi, 3 cai compresie, dif. 20/3,7/2,5cm, frecv. 30-25.000Hz, crossover 800/6000Hz, asp. 9/10, 9Kg, dim. 48x25x20cm - 250 ron
*QUADRAL QUINTAS 300: 150/100w, 4-8ohmi, 3 cai reflex, dif. bass/inalte 17/2,5cm, frecv.30-22.000Hz, dimens. 80x20x22,5cm( poza 2+3), SIGILATE, asp. 10/10 - 750 ron
*Transport pt. Bucuresti, Pitesti, Slatina, Tg. Jiu, Ramnicul Valcea, Turnu Severin, Caransebes, Lugoj si Timisoara 25-30 ron cu predare personala.
Contact: 0722241292/ 0762617993/ 0748297976
Zona Craiova

Cumpar pick-up Ziphona

Cumpar pick-up Ziphona 2040 cu boxe incluse".


Vand pick-up

Vand pick-up de epoca tip valiza marca tesla nu ara doza in rest aparatul merge telefon 0760351515 0742171992

Vand amplituner Technics SA GX 200

Vand amplituner technics sa gx 200 noua putere 2x90 w 8 omi pret 420ron trimit siin tara cumparatorul suporta taxa de transport
0760351515 0742171992